Beneventanum Troporum Corpus II, Part 3b

Series: Middle Ages and Early Renaissance  Publisher: A-R Editions
This edition is part of the collection Beneventanum Troporum Corpus
This volume is part of the set Beneventanum Troporum Corpus II
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Beneventanum Troporum Corpus II, Part 3b
Preface Chants and Sanctus: Music

Edited by John Boe

M026 Beneventanum Troporum Corpus II, Part 3b
978-0-89579-368-3 Full Score (1996) 9x12, 135 pp.
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This edition presents the tropes and chants for the Preface chants and Sanctus from Beneventan and Roman manuscripts of the late tenth century to the early thirteenth century. The chants are transcribed in modern notation with schematic reproductions of neumes.
Mass Preface Chants for the Celebrant from Southern Italy (M25)
I. Beneventan and Cassinese Common Prefaces
II. Proper Prefaces in the Missal Lo 3511 from St. Peter's intra muros, Benevento
III. Common Prefaces of Mixed Traditions from Border Areas and the North
IV. Common Preface in the Canosa Missal, Baltimore W 6
Sanctus Chants Having Tropes or Prosulas in South Italian Sources (M26)
Admirabilis splendor / Indefessas uoces
Altissime Creator = Altissimeque rector / Conditor alme Domine
Ante thronum Domini
Antra modicis deserti
Caelestia sidera / Hosanna 1 Plasmatum populum; Hosanna 2 Dulcis est cantica
Corona iustitiae / Gloria Christe omnes resurgamus
Deus fortis / Qui uenisti carnem sumens
Deus pater ingenitus / Qui uenisti carnem sumens
Immortalis et uerus
Inuisibiliter penetrauit rex / Hosanna cuncta procedens
Laudes Deo ore pio
Mundi fabricator; Quem cherubim et seraphim non cessant / Pie Christe descendisti
Pater Deus qui caret initio
Pax in caelo
Perpetuo lumine = Perpetuo numine
Quam pulchra est
Quem cherubim atque seraphim + Cui pueri Hebraeorum / Hebraeorum pueri ramos
Quem cuncti angeli
Saluifica tuum plasma, Hosanna
Summe pater de quo / Hosanna Omnes tua gratia
Sanctus Chants Lacking Tropes or Prosulas in South Italian Sources (M26): 9 chants