Bertouch: Three Sacred Cantatas
Series: Baroque Era Publisher: A-R Editions
Three Sacred Cantatas
Edited by Michael W. Nordbakke
B151 Bertouch: Three Sacred Cantatas
Full Score (2008)
9x12, xvii + 127 pp.
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Performance Parts (Available Separately)
Instrumental Part(s) (2008)
Set of 6 parts (vn. 1; vn. 2; alto viol 1; alto viol 2; bass viol; b.c.)
Instrumental Part(s) (2008)
Set of 7 parts (vn. 1; vn. 2; vn. 3; alto viol; tenor viol; bass viol; b.c.)
Georg von Bertouch (1668–1743), a German-born musician and military officer who spent the last twenty-five years of his life in Norway, is largely remembered for his sonatas in each of the twenty-four keys, finished in 1738 (B 144). But statements made by Mattheson indicate that Bertouch produced an extensive body of sacred compositions as well. Only three cantatas, composed before 1694, are known to survive; the manuscripts, which are part of the Bokemeyer collection, are held in the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin. Two of these works are solo cantatas for a single voice, while the remaining one is a large-scale chorale cantata based on "Wachet auff." Both solo cantatas end with a joyful Alleluia movement and were obviously written for professional singers with considerable lung capacity. The chorale cantata, too, makes substantial demands on the soloists. Contrasting sections, tone-painting and occasional chromatic writing are features that should arouse the interest of singers and scholars studying seventeenth-century northern German vocal music.
Du, Tochter Zion, freue dich sehr
1. “Du, Tochter Zion, freue dich sehr”
2. Aria: “Frisch auff, ihr Christen, allzumahl”
3. Recitativo: “Und du, Bethlehem Ephrata”
4. “Willkommen, süßer Bräutigam”
5. “Alleluja”
Mein Herz ist bereit
1. “Mein Herz ist bereit”
2. “Wache auff, meine Ehre”
3. “Herr, ich will dir dancken”
4. Aria: “Wach auff, mein Herz”
5. “Denn deine Güte”
6. “Alleluja”
Gott der Herr, der mächtige, redet
1. Sonata
2. “Gott der Herr, der mächtige, redet” / "Wachet auff, rufft uns die Stimme”
3. “Und die Himmel werden seine Gerechtigkeit verkündigen”
4. Aria: “Mein Jesus kömmt nun zum Gericht”
5. Aria: “Erschröcklich ist des Herren Tag”
6. Aria: “Ach Jesu, stelle mich zur Rechten”
7. Aria: “Erstaunet nun, ihr Höllen Geister”
8. “Zion hört die Wächter singen”
9. “Gloria sey dir gesungen”