March 17, 2021
Series editor Steven Saunders passes the baton to Alexander Fisher.
January 22, 2020
We bid a fond farewell and offer many thanks to Rufus Hallmark for his many, many years of counsel and collaboration as series editor for Recent Researches in the Music of the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries. And we warmly welcome a new series editor, Francesca Brittan.
October 23, 2019
The A-R editorial team will soon depart for the 2019 meeting of the American Musicological Society. While information for prospective authors can be found on our website, we all know that ideas are sparked and developed in conversation, and we look forward to having many in Boston. See you soon!
November 06, 2018
Congratulations to Michael Ochs! His edition of Joseph Rumshinsky's Di goldene kale won the 2018 Claude V. Palisca Prize for best edition or translation, awarded by the American Musicological Society.
May 17, 2016
A-R Editions is pleased to announce Greenway Music Press, its new sheet music imprint that will enrich and extend the classical music repertoire.
This new venture will allow A-R Editions to bring important but under-appreciated compositions to a larger audience.
January 22, 2016
A-R Editions Announces Its New Editorial Board for the
Online Music Anthology Text ComponentA-R Editions announces the formation of its new editorial board for the A-R Online Music Anthology. The Editorial Board will focus on texts that will augment the music already available digitally and which will differ from conventional surveys as a customizable, multi-author resource that instructors can use to build coursepacks for music history and theory classes.
The editorial board includes the following musicologists and music librarians:
James P. Cassaro (University of Pittsburgh)
Jane Gottlieb (The Juilliard School)
L. Michael Griffel (The Juilliard School)
Mark McKnight (University of North Texas)
James Parsons (Missouri State University)
Jennifer Thomas (University of Florida)
Marian Wilson Kimber (University of Iowa)James L. Zychowicz, director of the Special Projects Division of A-R Editions, leads the editorial board. A-R is pleased to work with the outstanding individuals on this Board.
March 23, 2015
A-R Editions is the leading North American publisher of scholarly editions of music. We publish classical music, books related to various aspects of music study, and an online music anthology. We are also the exclusive distributor for the American Institute of Musicology.
February 25, 2015
A-R Editions is now offering music available to print online--digital print! You can purchase digital scores and then print them from your online library within the A-R website. Digital print products are reasonably priced, and printing is unlimited. This option is currently available only for our choral and keyboard music, but all our repertoire will be available soon.