November 11, 2024
AMS 2024
Members of the A-R editorial team will soon depart for Chicago and the 2024 American Musicology Society Annual Meeting (November 14-17). At our booth in the exhibit hall you can peruse our newest titles, grab a special discount offer for website shopping, pick up some A-R swag, and test drive both Recent Researches in Music Online and the A-R Online Music Anthology.
Just as importantly, we want to hear from you. Do you have a critical edition in the works? Have an idea for a Recent Researches volume but could use some feedback? Come talk to us! We’re more than happy to discuss any aspect of the proposal and publication process. See you in Chicago!
Can't make it to the conference?
Our information for prospective authors can be found on our website, and questions about your edition ideas or the proposal process can be sent to proposals@areditions.com.
And although you will miss out on the swag, we offer discounts on our website from time to time. Make sure you are signed up for our email list to learn about discount opportunities as well as our new titles as they are released.