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  1. June 01, 2022

    Critically Editing the Seventeenth Century at SSCM 2022

    By A-R Editions

    On April 10, the last day of the 30th annual meeting of the Society for Seventeenth-Century Music (SSCM), the panel session “Cut-C, Coloration, and Critical Notes: How We Edit the Music of the Long Seventeenth Century” brought together five panelists, all with extensive and varied experience in critical edition making, to share and discuss various aspects, challenges, and approaches in editing the music of the seventeenth century.

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  2. February 02, 2022

    Critical Editing in a Time of Change: Impressions from a New Series Editor

    By Alex Fisher

    It is hard to escape the impression that the discipline of critical editing is at a crossroads. If taking on the series editorship of Recent Researches in the Music of the Baroque Era last spring has sharpened my attention to this question, the fact of the matter is that rapidly advancing digital access, the changing budgets and priorities of research libraries, and shifting winds in the field have all been unsettling the ground beneath us for quite some time.

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  3. January 06, 2022

    Critical Editions and Race at the 87th AMS

    By A-R Editions

    On the last day of the 87th Annual Meeting of the American Musicological Society, a professional development roundtable took place that is potentially of great import to the future of critical edition editing and publishing. “Can the White Page be Overwritten? Race and Representation in Critical Editions” brought together four panelists, all of whom actively work with editing, performing, or cataloging the work of underrepresented composers.

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