recent researches in music

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  1. October 28, 2024

    Call for Series Editor (Middle Ages and Early Renaissance)


    A-R Editions is seeking Expressions of Interest for the position of Series Editor for the series Recent Researches in the Music of the Middle Ages and Early Renaissance.

    Join a team of world-renowned scholars to help shape the future of one of the longest-running and most active collection of critical music editions, Recent Researches in Music. We are seeking to appoint a new Series Editor for the series dedicated to the music of the Middle Ages and early Renaissance. The series presents editions of music from ca. 500 to 1500 C.E., encompassing the principal types of both monophony and polyphony that were composed during the period. The editions include a discussion of historical context and performance practices, complete translations of texts, and a critical report.

    The Series Editor is responsible for (1) curating the content and maintaining the high quality standards of the series; (2) identifying potential projects and recruiting editors to propose editions for publication in the series; (3) mentoring editors as needed to complete their proposals in a manner that aligns with A-R’s editorial philosophy and house style; (4) reviewing proposals for the series along with the internal reader reports and giving a recommendation on the project; (5) advocating for critical edition-making and A-R Editions both within and beyond the realm of musicology; and (6) maintaining general communication with the editorial staff at A-R Editions.

    The Series Editor is an appointed, non-employee role of indeterminate term, although a tenure of 10 to 15 years is common. A-R Editions provides a modest annual honorarium and a complimentary copy of each title published in the series during the appointment period.

    Link to further information and application

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  2. May 31, 2023

    Meet Patrick Wall, Owner and CEO of A-R Editions

    By A-R Editions

    Patrick Wall is the owner and CEO of A-R Editions. As one of the biggest supporters of our passion for bringing historical music to modern performers and audiences, Pat works tirelessly to keep all of A-R’s departments productive and (perhaps most importantly) solvent. He spoke with us about what that means to him.

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  3. July 13, 2022

    Meet Anne Miller, Production Team Leader

    By A-R Editions

    Most of our readers and volume editors have probably never met Anne Miller, the production-end project manager for all of our Recent Researches series. Yet she is one of the prime movers of every volume that we publish, working closely with both house editors and engravers to supervise all aspects of typesetting, engraving, and production (and keeping us all on our toes in the process!). She sat down with us to share some insights about her job, the Recent Researches production process, its various ups and downs, and what she does outside her work at A-R.

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