Boesset: Sacred Music, Part 1

Series: Baroque Era  Publisher: A-R Editions
This volume is part of the set Boesset: Sacred Music
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Antoine Boesset
Sacred Music, Part 1
Motets and Hymns

Edited by Peter Bennett

B164 Boesset: Sacred Music, Part 1
978-0-89579-676-9 Full Score (2010) 9x12, xxxi + 223 pp.
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Antoine Boesset (1586–1643), surintendant de la musique de la chambre to Louis XIII, has long been known as one of the most important composers active in early seventeenth-century France, but until recently he was believed to have produced only secular airs de cour. This edition presents for the first time Boesset’s newly identified sacred works, a repertory of some seventy compositions for the nuns of the Royal Abbey of Montmartre, Paris. Scored for multiple high voices, bass, and basse continue, Boesset’s works include three complete mass ordinary settings (through-composed and alternatim), Te Deums and Magnificats (again both through-composed and alternatim), psalms, and a number motets for important feasts and ceremonies at Montmartre. Montmartre was also one of the first religious houses to adopt so-called “plain chant musical,” a type of newly composed or modified chant. Several works of the edition make particular use of this kind of chant, most notably the alternatim hymn settings, which use unusual metered versions of the newly composed hymn chants in alternation with the polyphony. Boesset’s compositions for Montmartre represent by far the largest single repertory of sacred music from the reign of Louis XIII, and, while not showing the influence of the newest Italian practices, nevertheless anticipate several of the musical techniques previously associated with Henri Dumont, in particular the use of the basse continue. These works thus fill a significant gap in our understanding of musical developments in seventeenth-century France and demonstrate that sacred music of the highest quality emerged during a period that scholars have long dismissed as being of little interest.
1. Alma Redemptoris Mater
2. Anna mater matris
3. Ave Maria (1)
4. Ave Maria (2)
5. Ave per cor suavissimum Jesu
6. Ave Regina caelorum
7. Ave salus mundi
8. Ave virginum gemma Catharina
9. Benedicimus te
10. Domine salvum fac regem (1)
11. Domine salvum fac regem (2)
12. Domine salvum fac regem (3)
13. Domine salvum fac regem (4)
14. Duo seraphim
14a. Duo seraphim (alternative opening)
15. Ecce panis Angelorum
16. Fons aquae vivae
17. Hic est beatissimus
18. O athletum invictissimum
19. O crux ave
20. O Doctor optime
21. O pastor aeterne
22. O quam suavis
23. O sacrum convivium
24. Popule meus
25. Pretiosus Domini Dionysius
26. Regina caeli (1)
27. Regina caeli (2)
28. Regina caeli (3)
29. Regnum mundi
30. Salve Regina (1)
31. Salve Regina (2)
32. Salve Regina (3)
33. Sancta Maria
34. Tu es Petrus
35. Tu es vas electionis
36. Veni Sancte Spiritus
37. Vir Domini Benedictus
38. Ad caenam Agni (alternatim)
39. Alleluja. O filii et filiae
40. Aurea luce (alternatim)
41. Ave maris stella (alternatim)
42. Ave mater pia (alternatim)
43. Christe redemptor omnium, Conserva (alternatim)
44. Christe redemptor omnium, Ex Patre
45. Claris conjubila (alternatim)
46. Dionysii martyris (alternatim)
47. Iste Confessor (alternatim)
48. Jesu, nostra redemptio (alternatim)
49. O gloriosae virgines
50. O salutaris hostia
51. Pange lingua . . . Corporis
52. Pange lingua . . . Certaminis
53. Quam pulchra es
53a. Quam pulchra es (alternative refrain)
54. Veni Creator Spiritus (alternatim)