Caccini: Le nuove musiche
Series: Baroque Era Publisher: A-R Editions
Le nuove musiche (2nd ed.)
Edited by H. Wiley Hitchcock
B009-2E Caccini: Le nuove musiche
Full Score (2009)
9x12, xxiii + 76 pp.
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Caccini's Le nuove musiche of 1602—a collection of twelve madrigals, ten airs, and a setting of the final chorus from Chiabrera's Il rapimento di Cefalo—has come to be the very symbol of the new musical era of the seventeenth century. His prefatory discourse "to the readers," a meaty essay on the ideals and techniques of early baroque song and singing style, is included here in an annotated English translation.
This second edition, prepared with the blessing of the late Dr. Hitchcock, not only corrects the few infelicities found in the first edition, but also includes more dramatic revisions to a few aspects of the editorial methodology (especially pertaining to the basso continuo line and the treatment of accidentals). The attributions for the poetic texts of the madrigals and airs have also been updated based on current scholarship, and there are many superficial changes to the book design and layout.
1. Movetevi à pietà
2. Queste lagrim’amare
3. Dolcissimo sospiro
4. Amor, io parto
5. Non più guerra
6. Perfidissimo volto
7. Vedrò ’l mio sol
8. Amarilli mia bella
9. Sfogava con le stelle
10. Fortunato augellino
11. Dovrò dunque morire
12. Filli, mirando il cielo
Final Chorus from Il rapimento di Cefalo
Ineffabile ardore
Muove si dolce
Caduca fiamma
Qual trascorrendo
Quand’il bell’anno primavera infiora
1. Io parto, amati lumi
2. Ardi, cor mio
3. Ard'il moi petto misero
4. Fere selvaggie
5. Fillide mia
6. Udite, udite, amanti
7. Occh’immortali
8. Odi, Euterpe
9. Belle rose porporine
10. Chi mi confort’ahimè