Collected Songs of Edward Harrigan and David Braham

Collected Songs of Edward Harrigan and David Braham

Edited by Jon W. Finson

SET058 Collected Songs of Edward Harrigan and David Braham
This edition is a set of two volumes, each sold separately.
Grouped product items
Sku Product Name Qty
MU07A/A027 Collected Songs of Harrigan and Braham, Part 1
MU07B/A028 Collected Songs of Harrigan and Braham, Part 2
The plays of Edward Harrigan (1845–1911) and their attendant songs written with David Braham (1838–1905) reflect a turbulent era in New York City, which was just emerging as the cultural and economic center of American life. This edition includes a generous selection of Harrigan-Braham songs drawn from plays depicting a variety of ethnic groups and written at the zenith of Harrigan's career. The music, texts, and introductory essay provide a clearer picture of a body of work that Charles Hamm has described as "the beginning of urban popular song."