Der wohltätige Derwisch (Vienna, 1791)
Series: Classical Era Publisher: A-R Editions
This volume is part of the set Der wohltätige Derwisch (Vienna, 1791)
Der wohltätige Derwisch (Vienna, 1791)
Edited by David J. Buch
C081 Der wohltätige Derwisch (Vienna, 1791)
Full Score (2010)
9x12, lxix + 219 pp.
Performance Parts (Available Separately)
Piano-Vocal Score
Der wohltätige Derwisch oder Die Schellenkappe (The Beneficient Dervish, or The Fool's Cap), first performed in Vienna in 1791, is a recently rediscovered German opera. As in Mozart's Die Zauberflöte, the libretto is by Emanuel Schikaneder and based on a fairy tale from Christoph Martin Wieland's Dschinnistan, in this case "The Princess with the Long Nose." The collaborative music for this three-act "Lust- und Zauberspiel mit Maschinen, Arien und Chören" (comic-magic play with [stage] machines, arias, and choruses) has been attributed to three composers in the surviving sources: Johann Baptist Henneberg, Benedikt Schack, and Franz Xaver Gerl. Additional music may have been composed by Schikaneder and perhaps Mozart, who contributed to the previous fairy-tale opera at Schikaneder's theater, Der Stein der Weisen oder Die Zauberinsel (The Philosopher's Stone or The Enchanted Island, vol. 76 in this series), first performed in 1790. Again seven months later, the same playwright, singers, actors, and kapellmeister created Die Zauberflöte, which contains some roles parallel with Der wohltätige Derwisch. Der wohltätige Derwisch proved to be highly successful in Vienna and was also performed in various cities in Austria, Germany, Bohemia, Moravia, and Hungary as well as in St. Petersburg, Russia. Only excerpts appeared in print, however, and about twenty years after its premiere the opera vanished from the repertory.
Actus 1
No. 1. Duetto (Derwisch, Sofrano): “Hier müssen wir uns beide trennen”
No. 2. Aria (Sofrano): “Welche nie empfund’ne Freude!”
No. 3. Duetto (Mandolina, Mandolino): “Liebes Weib, so gib doch Ruh!”
No. 4. Aria (Mandolino): “Der Drache ist den armen Männern gut”
No. 5. Chorus (Derwische): “O Abdallah, mudi falla”
No. 6. Marche
Actus 2
No. 7. Chorus (Sklavinnen): “Die Männer zu fesseln ist unser Gewinn!”
No. 8. [ = No. 6]
No. 9. Harmonie
No. 10. [ = No. 5]
No. 11. Harmonie
No. 12. Aria (Zenomide): “Sofrano, fühltest du mein Leiden”
No. 13/14. Marsch
No. 15. Romanze (Zenomide): “Ein Jüngling frisch, wie Milch und Blut”
No. 16. Musik zur Seeschlacht
Actus 3
No. 17. Aria (Derwisch): “Sobald der Mann ist allzu gut”
No. 18. Duetto (Zenomide, Sofrano): “Ach, die Teure liebet mich!”
No. 19. [ = No. 5]
No. 20. [ = No. 6]
No. 21. Recitativ (Derwisch): “Sofrano! Mein Sohn! Dein Vater spricht mit dir”
No. 22. Chorus (Derwische): “Vino pani, Turka Kani”
No. 23. Chorus (Derwische): "Ha ha ha"
No. 24. Duetto (Zenomide, Mandolina): “Daß Männer unsre Sklaven sind”
No. 25. [ = No. 6]
No. 26. Aria (Derwisch): “Bald wird auch dieser Traum vorübergehn”
No. 27. [ = No. 5]
No. 28. Duetto (Sofrano, Mandolino): “Wir sind die zwei lustigen Bauern vom Land”
No. 29. Chorus (Derwische, Zenomide, Mandolina): “Ihr Undankbaren, lebet wohl!”
1. Finale-Coro (Mandolino, Chorus): “Kling, kling, kling, ist das nicht ein herrlich Ding!”
2. Aria and Recitative (Genius): “Zenomide! Liebe flamme in deiner Brust.”