English Pastime Music, 1630–1660
Series: Collegium Musicum: Yale University Publisher: A-R Editions
English Pastime Music, 1630–1660
An Anthology of Keyboard Pieces
Edited by Martha Maas
Y2-004 English Pastime Music, 1630–1660
Full Score (1974)
9x12, xxv + 138 pp.
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This is an entertaining collection of keyboard "songs and dances" for household use, dating from the death of James I to the restoration of Charles II—a period during which English music, deprived of noble patronage, managed to flourish underground.
Pieces from MS Rés. 1186
2. Good morrow Valentine
3. What if a day or a month or a yeare
4. Thomas yu cannot
5. Barrow Faustus
7. Tell mee Susan
8. Johnsons Galliard
9. Welladay
10. A pavine
11. Trench-more
12. A French Coranto
13. another french Coranto
14. the Queene of Bohemia's Dumpe
15. The Nightingale
16. A dance
17. ye fairest Nymphes ye valleyes
18. [Graysinne Masque]
19. ye Canaries
20. Up and downe
21. A Coranto
24. A Scottish Jigge
25. A Paven
26. Jumpe at my Cozen
27. My love Shee dwells not here
30. Over ye mountaines
31. M:ris mine well may yu fare
32. Amidst ye fairest mountaine toppes
35. When Daphne did from Pheobus flie
36. When all ye Gods had made a feast
37. A 1000 kisses winne my heart from me
38. What if I live for love of thee
39. With my love my life was nestled
40. Troy towne
41. [The Hunt is Up]
42. In sad & ashie weeds
43. The Lady Weston's Allmaine
44. Say prettie wanton
45. A Coranto
46. A Lute lesson
47. Can you not hitt it my good man?
49. The Neatherland
50. I gott ye coate
51. Tutte venite armati
52. Vezzosette Nymphe belle etc.
53. [Under and Over]
54. Thomas you cannot
55. Open ye doore to three
56. Faire maide are you walking?
57. [Sellinger's Round]
58. the Morris
59. Churchyards galliard
60. ye rich Jew
61. Packington's pound
62. Greene Sleeves
63. Galliard
64. [Nutmegs and Ginger]
65. Why aske you?
66. Lachryme
67. Excuse mee
68. Farewell deare love
69. Welladay
70. Mal Sims
71. ye Lady Layton's Allmaine
72. The merry cuckold
73. Williams his Allmaine
Pieces from MS Rés. 1186bis (Second Book)
74. Allmayne
75. The princes Jegg
76. Allmaine
77. The spanish pavin
78. Almayne
79. Almayne
80. The Ladyes Delight
81. The quens Jegge
82. Hid parke
83. the tempell maske
84. Howells Delight
85. Galiarde
86. [Grayes in maske}
Pieces from MS Rés. 1185
87. Coranto
88. Allmaine
89. Coranto
90. Sellabrand
91. Coranto
92. Allmaine
93. A Masque
94. When ye Kinge Inioyeth his owne againe
95. The Lady Hattens Allmaine
96. Allmaine
97. Allmaine
98. Coranto
99. Sellabrand
100. Allmaine
101. Coranto
102. Sellabrand
103. Sellabrand
104. A re Lachrime Pavin
105. Will: Lawes Allmaine
106. Coranto
107. Sellabrand
108. Fuge
109. The chessnutt
110. Serabrand
111. C fa ut Allmaine
112. Coranto
113. Serabrand
114. Allmaine
115. Coranto
116. Serabrand
117. The Skoch covinant
118. The Ladies Daughter
119. A maske