Fourteen Motets from the Court of Ferdinand II of Hapsburg

Series: Baroque Era  Publisher: A-R Editions
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Fourteen Motets from the Court of Ferdinand II of Hapsburg

Edited by Steven Saunders

B075 Fourteen Motets from the Court of Ferdinand II of Hapsburg
978-0-89579-315-7 Full Score (1995) 9x12, xxxii + 94 pp.
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Performance Parts (Available Separately)

Instrumental Part(s) (1995)
Set of 3 parts (vn. 1; vn. 2; b.c.)
The Vienna court of Holy Roman Emperor Ferdinand II (r. 1619–37) was the center of a rich music culture, the hub for the transmission of Italianate music north of the Alps, and the home to one of the largest, most extraordinary musical organizations in seventeenth-century Europe. The works in this volume—by Giovanni Giacomo Arrigoni, Giovanni Priuli, and Giovanni Valentini—provide an introduction to this largely overlooked music culture. The Hapsburgs had long looked to Italy for their chapel masters, composers, and virtuosi. Not surprisingly, then, works from the imperial court were among the earliest sacred compositions north of the Alps to incorporate modern Italianate innovations, including obbligato instrumental parts, monody, the concertato style, and techniques of sacred dialogue.
Giovanni Giacomo Arrigoni:
Benedicta sit
Giovanni Priuli:
Inter natos mulierum
Salve Regina
Peccavi super numerum
Giovanni Valentini:
O Maria, quid ploras
Vulnerasti cor meum
Confitebor tibi, Domine
Domine, deduc me
Anima Christi
Salve Regina sopra Queste selve vicine
Regina caeli
Salve tremendum
Deus, qui pro redemptione mundi
O vos omnes
<div>Robert Kendrick, Notes, June 1997;</div>

<div>MPA Paul Revere Award, 1996</div>