Gabrieli, A.: Complete Madrigals 9–10
Series: Renaissance Publisher: A-R Editions
This edition is part of the collection Gabrieli, A.: Complete Madrigals
Complete Madrigals 9–10
Madrigals of the Secondo libro a 6; Other Madrigals a 6; Madrigals a 7
Edited by A. Tillman Merritt
R049-50 Gabrieli, A.: Complete Madrigals 9–10
Full Score (1983)
8.5x11, xxvii + 216 pp.
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Paper Offprint
This volume includes the madrigals from Gabrieli's Secondo libro a 6 (1580), other six-voice madrigals by Gabrieli that survive various late-sixteenth-century madrigal anthologies, and three seven-voice madrigals. The six-voice works were some of the most widely transcribed of all Gabrieli’s madrigals, both for lute and as spiritual madrigals, and the seven-voice madrigals are exemplary of the musical dialogues popular in late sixteenth-century Italy.
Madrigals of the "Secondo libro a 6"
1. Sonno diletto e caro
2. Cinto m'havea
3. Come vuoi tu ch'io viva
4. Clori a Damon dicea
5. La bella pargoletta
6. Se tu m'ami, i' t'adoro
7. Se vuoi ch'io muoia
8. Dolcissimo ben mio
9–10. Donna cinta di ferro—Vinca dunque il voler
11. O soave al mio cor
12. Quel dolce suono
13. Hor ch'a noi torna
14. Vieni, Flora gentil
15. Com'esser può che non sei stanco
16. Mentre la bella Dori
17. Non ti sdegnar, o Filli
18. Chè piangi, alma, e sospiri
19. Tu vuoi, lasso, ch'io pera
20–21. Per farmi Amor—Così di quanto hebbi
22. Voi non volete, donna
Other Madrigals a 6
1–2. Fontana d'eloquenza—Ben possono i Poeti
3. Sperar non si potea da sì bell'Alba
4–5. I' vo piangendo—Sì che, s'io vissi
6–7. Nel bel giardin entrate—Ma pria odorate
8–9. Chiaro sol di virtute—Al chiaro suon
10–11. In nobil sangue—Amor s'è in lei (Giovanni Gabrieli)
Madrigals a 7
1. Io mi sento morire
2–3. Dunque fia vero—Dunqu'il consenti
4. Tirsi morir volea
Marcia Epstein, Sixteenth Century Journal; Denis Arnold, Early Music, February 1984; David Butchart, Early Music, May 1986; James Chater, Journal of the Royal Musical Association, 1988; Anthony F. Carver, Music & Letters, July 1986; Lawrence Bennett,