Gagliano: Madrigals, Part 1
Series: Baroque Era Publisher: A-R Editions
This edition is part of the collection Gagliano: Madrigals
Madrigals, Part 1
Il primo libro de madrigali a cinque voci (Venice, 1602)
Edited by Edmond Strainchamps
B124 Gagliano: Madrigals, Part 1
Full Score (2002)
9x12, xxii + 86 pp.
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Il primo libro de madrigali a cinque voci, the first of six madrigal books by the Florentine composer Marco da Gagliano (1582–1643), was originally published in Venice in 1602. The book is distinguished not only for the excellence of its music, but also for its use of texts by some of the most celebrated poets of the day, among them Chiabrera, Della Casa, Guarini, and Marino. It includes madrigals by two guest composers as well: his teacher, Luca Bati, and the Florentine nobleman Giovanni del Turco, Gagliano's student. Gagliano's madrigals from his first book are predominantly syllabic and often homophonic, and they are filled with expressive and declamatory motives. They may be seen as embodying many of the musical ideals of the Florentine camerate, especially that of the clear projection of text, even though they are manifested in a vocal ensemble. Largely unknown as a madrigalist today, Gagliano's work in the genre was well received and admired throughout Europe during his lifetime and after; and especially was this so in Florence, where he flourished as the city's leading composer for more than forty years.
1. O misera Dorinda, ov’hai tu poste
2. O Sonno, o della queta humida ombrosa
3. Al mio novo martire
4. Arsi un tempo e l’ardore
5. Tra sospiri e querele
6. Se con vive fiammelle
7. Luce, soave e chiara, Luca Bati
8. L’ardente tua facella
9. Di marmo siete voi
10. Filli, mentre ti bacio
11. Scherza madonna e dice
12. Dico a le Muse
13. Come potrò mai fare
14. Un sguardo, un sguardo no
15. Scherzo con l’aure e tento, Giovanni del Turco
16. Tu sei pur aspro a chi t’adora
Early Music Review, May 2003