Harden: Music Description and Access
Series: Technical Reports Publisher: A-R Editions, Music Library Association
Music Description and Access
Solving the Puzzle of Cataloging
Jean Harden
TR034 Harden: Music Description and Access
Book (2017)
7.5 x 9.25, xiii + 354 pp.
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Music Description and Access: Solving the Puzzle of Cataloging is both a textbook for students and a handbook and reference source for practicing catalogers. The bulk of the book is a step-by-step guide to cataloging music materials, with dozens of examples showing images of published scores or audio recordings. Content and encoding are treated separately, using RDA and MARC21. Interspersed in the chapters on practical cataloging are short Historical Asides, essays putting particular devices or conventions into context. These essays supplement a chapter on cataloging history, which follows an introductory chapter that sets the stage for the task at hand. The book ends with a chapter by Maristella Feustle on describing and providing access to music special collections, using both archival and rare-music-cataloging standards.
Aids in navigating the book include an index plus multiple lists and tables. A bibliography and a list of cataloging tools that are available online are also given.
List of Examples
List of Tables
List of Historical Asides
Part I: Setting the Stage
Chapter 1: Why, and What?
Chapter 2: History of Cataloging
Part II: Practical Cataloging
Chapter 3: Manifestation and Item, Part One
Chapter 4: Manifestation and Item, Part Two
Chapter 5: Recorded Information, Including Carriers
Chapter 6: Manifestation, Item, and Carrier in MARC
Chapter 7: Works and Expressions
Chapter 8: Persons and Corporate Bodies
Chapter 9: Access Points
Chapter 10: Relationships
Chapter 11: Classification and Subjects
Chapter 12: Archival Description (by Maristella Feustle)
Appendix A: MARC Fixed and Coded Fields in Bibliographic Records
Appendix B: Online Cataloging Tools
Select Bibliography
The book serves a critical need in the literature for a music cataloging textbook under current standards. . . . I can sum it up to music catalogers in three words: just get it.