Hewitt: Selected Compositions
Series: American Music Publisher: A-R Editions
Selected Compositions
Edited by John W. Wagner
A007 Hewitt: Selected Compositions
Full Score (1980)
9x12, xix + 106 pp.
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Through his many activities as composer, publisher, performer, and conductor, James Hewitt was a major force in the concert and theater life of New York and Boston from 1795 until 1820. This volume presents a sampling of his compositions, beginning with nineteen secular songs, all for voice and keyboard, followed by two sacred songs for a cappella voices in open score. Also included are ten works for solo keyboard: four marches, a waltz, a medley, a theme and variations, two sonatas, and a battle piece.
Advice to the Ladies
Deep in My Soul
Ho! for the Grecian Isles
How Blithly Passed the Summer's Day
In a Far Distant Clime I Have Left a Sweet Rose
Kitty Maggs and Jolter Giles
None But the Brave Deserve the Fair
On the Rock Where Hangs the Willow
A Rural Life
The Star Spangled Banner
Sweet are the Flowers
Thou Art False as the Zephyr That Flies
To Neptune Enthroned as He Governed the Sea
The Wampum Belt
When First the Sun
The Wounded Hussar
Federal Street
The Boston Brigade March
Four Quick Marches
LaFayette's Quick Step
Three Marches
The Augusta Waltz
The New Medley Overture
Mark My Alford
A Sonata for the Piano Forte
Sonata I from Three Sonatas for the Piano Forte
The Battle of Trenton