Horner: Cooking with Csound

Series: Computer Music and Digital Audio  Publisher: A-R Editions
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Cooking with Csound
Part 1: Woodwind and Brass Recipes

Andrew Horner, Lydia Ayers

DAS018 Horner: Cooking with Csound
978-0-89579-507-6 Book (2002) 7.5 x 9.25, xii + 209 pp.
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Cooking with Csound offers a fresh approach to using the software to create effective sounds. This book contains a collection of software synthesis designs for the woodwind and brass instruments, which you can bake into compositional curries, casseroles and soufflés in your computer. Whether you are a composer, researcher, student or hobbyist, the ready-to-use designs found in this volume will provide you with a rich set of sounds. The designs are in the Csound software synthesis language, which is available free on the web. The book includes a tutorial for those new to Csound, and a wide variety of effects for customizing the instrument designs. A chapter on pitch representation also allows readers to use customized tunings and scales.
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Csound
Chapter 3: The Instrument Design
Chapter 4: Woodwind Instruments
Chapter 5: Brass Instruments
Chapter 6: Global Effects: A Digital Mixing Board
Chapter 7: Note-Specific Effects
Chapter 8: Representing Pitch
Chapter 9: Seasoning Touches
Appendix: Orchestra Variable Names
Instrumental Design Index
Instrumental Design Insert Index