Leclair: Sonatas for Violin, Op. 1

Series: Baroque Era  Publisher: A-R Editions
This edition is part of the collection Leclair: Complete Violin Sontatas
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Jean-Marie Leclair
Sonatas for Violin and Basso continuo, Opus 1

Edited by Robert E. Preston

B076 Leclair: Sonatas for Violin, Op. 1
978-0-89579-324-9 Full Score (1995) 9x12, xxvi + 176 pp.
In stock

Performance Parts (Available Separately)

Instrumental Part(s) (1995)
Set of 2 parts (vn./fl.; b.c.)
With the publication of the first book of sonatas for violin and basso continuo, the present edition completes the series of four books that Jean-Marie Leclair composed (see volumes B 4, B 5, B 10, B 11, and B 58 for books two, three, and four).  Opus 1 was originally published in 1723 and was reissued sometime between 1743 and 1749.  This critical edition takes the original print as its primary source but includes readings—suitably marked or reported—from the reissue.  The sonatas of the first book are more conservative both in harmony and violin technique than are those of later books.  Still, these are challenging works that provide a fine introduction to those that would be composed later, works that combined the best of French and Italian influences and set Leclair apart from his contemporaries.
Sonata I in A Minor
Sonata II in C Major ("Cette sonata peut se jouer sur la flûte allemande")
Sonata III in B- flat Major
Sonata IV in D Major
Sonata V in A Major
Sonata VI in E Minor ("Cette sonata se peut jouer sur la flûte traversiere")
Sonata VII in F Major
Sonata VIII in G Major
Sonata IX in A Major
Sonata X in D Major
Sonata XI in B-flat Major
Sonata XII in B Minor
Charles Gower Price, Notes, June 1998; Angela East, Early Music Today, February/March 1997