Legrenzi: Cantatas and Canzonets for Solo Voice, Part 1

Series: Baroque Era  Publisher: A-R Editions
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Giovanni Legrenzi
Cantatas and Canzonets for Solo Voice, Part 1
Music for Alto and Bass Voices

Edited by Albert Seay

B014 Legrenzi: Cantatas and Canzonets for Solo Voice, Part 1
978-0-89579-045-3 Full Score (1972) 9x12, 107 pp.
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Giovanni Legrenzi (1626–90) was most famous for his operas in his own day, though only five are known to survive, all in manuscript form.  His printed music includes the greater part of his religious music (nine collections ranging from works for instruments and chorus to motets for solo voice and basso continuo) and his shorter secular works (six collections of sonate da chiesa and da camera for two to six soloists with continuo).  The present edition is of his Cantate e Canzonette, opus 12, printed in 1676.  Twenty-four works for solo voices with continuo are included, twelve for soprano or tenor, six for alto, and six for bass.  The cantata forms used by Legrenzi in this collection are similar to short operatic scenes.  Of particular interest are the many arias which open with a secco recitative section before moving to an arioso style near the close.  A realization of the figured bass line is provided in the edition.
Cantate (for Alto)
Ad altro amante in seno
Havete il torto a fè
Costei ch'in mezzo al volto
Discioglietevi in due fiumi
Canzonette (for Alto)
Vuol ch'io taccia
Quanto dolce è quell' ardore
Cantate (for Bass)
Cessa d'esser Amante
Pene, non mi lasciate
Sorgea dal sen di Lete
Amore e virtù mi battano
Canzonette (for Bass)
Son canuto e d'un bambin
Il mio core non è con me
Nigel Fortune, Early Music, October, 1979;  Stephen Bonta, Notes, June 1980