Lyon: Automated Sound Design
Series: Computer Music and Digital Audio Publisher: A-R Editions
Automated Sound Design
Eric Lyon
DAS028 Lyon: Automated Sound Design
Book (2023)
7.5 x 9.25, xxxv + 387 pp.
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Sound design is a ubiquitous subject for electronic musicians working across a staggering array of contemporary musical styles and practices. There is an extensive literature covering the creation of Foley effects, and another body of literature addressing domain-specific applications of sound design technique, e.g., how to make bass sounds for Dubstep or how to produce drum sounds for Trap. There is also a computer music literature that focuses on the mathematics of digital signal processing as it pertains to implementing classic digital synthesis and processing techniques.
Automated Sound Design addresses the topic from a different perspective, demonstrating the power of sound design when enhanced by automated structures implemented with computer programming. Through the techniques and projects developed in this book, the reader will learn how to create sound design scenarios that generate classes of sounds with controlled unpredictability and unlimited variety of output. This adventure will reveal new ways to work with additive synthesis, frequency modulation, analysis-transformation synthesis, drum machines, Black MIDI, and spatialization for binaural listening.
List of Figures
1. Tweaking and Randomness
2. Additive Synthesis I: Harmonic Spectra
3. Additive Synthesis II: Inharmonicity and Polyphony
4. Additive Synthesis III: Ambient Textures
5. Additive Synthesis IV: Analysis-Transformation-Synthesis
6. Frequency Modulation I: Direct Synthesis
7. Frequency Modulation II: Parametric Control
8. Automated Drum Machines I: A Max Project
9. Automated Drum Machines II: A SuperCollider Project
10. Aggregate Processors in Max
11. Too Many Notes: Black MIDI
12. Audio Processing in the Web Browser
Annotated Bibliography
Eric Lyon is a composer and audio researcher focused on high-density loudspeaker arrays, audio programming, and automated sound design. His publicly released audio software includes “FFTease” and “LyonPotpourri.” He is the author of Designing Audio Objects for Max/MSP and Pd (DAS025), a guidebook for writing audio DSP code for live performance. Lyon’s creative work has been recognized with a ZKM Giga-Hertz prize, MUSLAB award, the League ISCM World Music Days competition, and a Guggenheim Fellowship. Lyon teaches in the School of Performing Arts at Virginia Tech and is a Faculty Fellow at the Institute for Creativity, Arts, and Technology.