Marini: Compositioni varie per musica di camera, Opus 13

Series: Baroque Era  Publisher: A-R Editions
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Biagio Marini
Compositioni varie per musica di camera, Opus 13

Edited by Thomas D. Dunn

B169 Marini: Compositioni varie per musica di camera, Opus 13
978-0-89579-690-5 Full Score (2011) 9x12, xviii + 149 pp.
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Performance Parts (Available Separately)

Instrumental Part(s) (2011)
Set of 3 parts (vn. 1; vn. 2; b.c.)
Published in 1641, the Compositioni varie per musica di camera, op. 13, is the only surviving collection of secular vocal music by Biagio Marini between his Madrigaletti, op. 9, which was dedicated in 1625 but not printed until ten years later, and the ‎‎Concerto terzo delle musica da camera, op. 16, published in Milan in 1649. The collection comprises eighteen works, and for almost all of them the phrase “per musica di camera” in the title is appropriate. With the exception of the final work, the pieces are either duets or trios, with parts for two violins indicated for all but the first five pieces. The adjective “varie” in the title is appropriate as well, as the music ranges over a variety of musical forms and styles. In some, the melodic and rhythmic vocabulary suggests the term “dance song,” while others could be said to fall into the nascent cantata genre. Still another, “Or che Giovanni,” based on a text also set by the Roman composer Anerio, is a miniature oratorio.
1. Torna l’inverno, frigido (CC or TT)
2. Ecco ch’io manco (AT)
3. Miratemi o begl’occhi (AA or CC)
4. Deh, come in un momento (ATB)
5. Qui, dove il sol (ATB)
6. Pastorella (CB)
7. Non fuggir, vago augello (AT)
8. Che non senta per voi (AB)
9. Or che Giovanni (CTB)
10. Già brutto non son io (TTB)
11. Or so come da sè (ATB)
12. Su l’ali del tempo (ATB)
13. Spars’ho in pianto (TTB or TT)
14. Aure placide e volanti (CTB)
15. Per torbido mare (ATB)
16. Io, che piansi (CCB, CTB, or TTB)
17. Una fanciulla (CTB)
18. Addio begl’occhi (CCATB)