Michael: Psalmodia Regia (Leipzig, 1632)

Series: Baroque Era  Publisher: A-R Editions
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Samuel Michael
Psalmodia Regia (Leipzig, 1632)

Edited by Derek L. Stauff

B201 Michael: Psalmodia Regia (Leipzig, 1632)
978-0-89579-879-4 Full Score (2018) 9x12, xxxii + 209 pp.
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Performance Parts (Available Separately)

Instrumental Part(s) (2018)
Parts (vn. 1, vn. 2)

Instrumental Part(s) (2018)
Parts (vn. 1, vn. 2)

Instrumental Part(s) (2018)
Parts (vn. 1, vn. 2)

Instrumental Part(s) (2018)
Parts (vn., bn.)

Instrumental Part(s) (2018)
Parts (cto. 1, cto. 2, bn.)

Instrumental Part(s) (2018)
Parts (rec. 1, rec. 2)

Instrumental Part(s) (2018)
Part (trb.)

Instrumental Part(s) (2018)
Part (trb. or bn.)

Instrumental Part(s) (2018)
Parts (cto., alto trb., bass trb.)
The sacred concertos in Psalmodia Regia (1632), composed by Samuel Michael (ca. 1599–1632), organist at the church of St. Nicholas, Leipzig, set selected texts from the first twenty-five psalms scored for a variety of vocal and instrumental forces. The publication is an early example of the growing interest in Protestant Germany for Italianate concerted musical styles, especially those featuring obbligato instruments as well as basso continuo. It also reflects political and confessional sentiment in central Germany at a key turning point during the Thirty Years’ War. Many of Michael’s texts allude to the recent harrowing events of the war, and in the preface to his collection, the composer points out the contemporary significance of his pieces, casting them as responses to the unrest of his time and invoking the model of King David, who composed some of his best psalms during times of suffering.
1. Wol dem, der nicht wandelt (CCB, org.)
2. Warumb toben die Heyden (BB, org.)
3. Ach Herr, wie ist meiner Feinde so viel (T, 2 vn., org.)
4. Erhöre mich wenn ich ruffe (TT, 2 vn., org.)
5. Herr, höre mein Wort (CC, org.)
6. Ach Herr, straff mich nicht (T, 2 vn., org.)
7. Mein Schild ist bey Gott (CB, vn., bn., org.)
8. Herr, unser Herrscher, wie herrlich ist dein Name (CCATB, org.)
9. Ich dancke dem Herrn von gantzem Hertzen (TT, 2 cto., bn., org.)
10. Herr, warumb trittestu so ferne? (B, 2 rec., org.)
11. Ich traw auff den Herrn (CCT, trb., org.)
12. Weil denn die Elenden verstöret werden (CATB, org.)
13. Herr, wie lange wiltu mein so gar vergessen? (CT, org.)
14. Ach, daß die Hülffe aus Zion uber Israel keme (CATB, org.)
15. Herr, wer wird wohnen in deiner Hütten? (CCTT, org.)
16. Ich habe den Herrn allezeit für Augen (CTB, org.)
17. Ich ruff zu dir, daß du Gott woltest mich erhören (CCT, org.)
18. Hertzlich lieb hab’ ich dich, Herr (CATB, org.)
19. Das Gesetz des Herrn ist ohn Wandel (CAT, trb. or bn., org.)
20. Der Herr erhöre dich in der Noth (CT, cto., alto trb., bass trb., org.)
21. Herr, der König frewet sich (CCATB, org.)
22. Mein Gott, mein Gott, warumb hastu mich verlassen? (TT, org.)
23. Der Herr ist mein Hirt (CCATB, org.)
24. Die Erde ist des Herren (BB, org.)
25. Herr, bewahre meine Seele (CCATB, org.)