Music from By the Shores of Silver Lake
Series: Other Publications Publisher: A-R Editions, American Musicological Society
This edition is part of the collection Laura's Music
Music from By the Shores of Silver Lake
Edited by Dale Cockrell
LM004 Music from By the Shores of Silver Lake
Full Score (2012)
9x12, iv + 98 pp.
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In her famous Little House series of eight books Laura Ingalls Wilder (1867–1957) loosely traces her family’s history through episodes located in Wisconsin, Kansas, Minnesota, and South Dakota over a period from 1867 to 1885. Embedded in the stories are references to 127 separate songs and tunes. Surely, few if any books in American literature of comparable standing and popularity feature America’s common, vernacular music so centrally, assign it such a major narrative role, and index it in such rich abundance.
This songbook contains all the pieces mentioned in By the Shores of Silver Lake.
Barbara Allen
The Beacon-Light of Home
Ben Bolt
The Big Sunflower
Billy Boy
The Boatmen’s Dance
Bonny Doon
Buy a Broom!
Camptown Races
Captain Jinks
Comin’ thro’ the Rye
Gentle Words and Loving Smiles
The Gipsie’s Warning
Hail Columbia
The Happy Land
Highland Mary
Home! Sweet Home!
I Wish I Were Single Again
Jingle Bells
Keep the Horseshoe over the Door
Lend a Helping Hand
Life on the Ocean Wave
Mary of the Wild Moor
Merry, Merry Christmas!
Mistress Jinks of Madison Square
A Motto for Every Man
Mountain of the Lord
Nelly Was a Lady
The New Year’s Come
Nobody Ask’d You
Oft in the Stilly Night
The Old Time
Paddle Your Own Canoe
The Railroader
Three Blind Mice
Uncle Sam’s Farm