Nanino: Complete Madrigals, Part 2
Series: Renaissance Publisher: A-R Editions
This edition is part of the collection Nanino: Complete Madrigals
Complete Madrigals, Part 2
Madrigali a cinque voci di Gio. Maria Nanino et di Annibal Stabile (1581) and Madrigals Published Only in Anthologies, 1574–1586
Edited by Christina Boenicke, Anthony Newcomb
R162 Nanino: Complete Madrigals, Part 2
Full Score (2015)
8.5x11, xlix + 194 pp.
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Digital Print
Paper Offprint
Giovanni Maria Nanino (1543/44–1607) was one of the most important musicians of late-sixteenth-century Rome. Active as papal singer, chapel master, composer, teacher, and one of the protagonists of the newly founded Compagnia dei Eccellenti Musici di Roma, he had a deep impact on Roman musical development in the decades around 1600. The madrigal, the most popular genre of the cinquecento, demonstrates Nanino’s capability to combine tradition with elements of the modern styles commented on by Vincenzo Giustiniani in his Discorso sopra la musica of the early seicento. Most of Nanino’s published music is secular—either madrigals or canzonettas. He published three volumes of madrigals, the second together with his Roman colleague Annibale Stabile. The inclusion of at least one madrigal by Nanino in every important anthology of his time attests to his popularity; by some measures he was the most anthologized madrigal composer of his age.
This volume includes the book of madrigals published with Stabile, together with those madrigals by Nanino published only in anthologies in the years 1574–86.
Madrigali a cinque voci di Gio. Maria Nanino et di Annibal Stabile
1. Lasso, ch’ogni augelletto, Nanino
2. Chiari cristalli, Stabile
3. Dolce fiammella mia, Nanino
4. Questa sì bianca neve, Nanino
5. Vaneggio od’è pur vero, Stabile
6. Giocond’e crudo fato, Nanino
7. Amor, deh dimmi come, Nanino
8. D’Amor le ricche gemme, Stabile
9. Godeano in Ciel, Nanino
10. Quand’io son tutto volto, Stabile
11. Dolorosi martir, Nanino
12. Lasso fia mai, Stabile
13. Vien’Himeneo, Nanino
14. Volete pur ch’io mora, Stabile
15. Non m’è la morte strana, Stabile
16. Aventuroso più d’ogni altro colle, Nanino
17. Selva che di contenti, Nanino
Madrigals Published Only in Anthologies, 1574–1586
18. Donna gentil
19. Se d’uno indegn’et empio
20. Quando fra bianche perle
21. Scoprirò l’ardor mio
22. Mentre ti fui sì grato
23. Poi ché ’l mio Amor
24. Legò questo mio core
25. Da i puri loro e limpidi cristalli
26. Al suon de le dolcissime parole
27. Quand’accese Himeneo
28. E con Aminta vai
1. Dolce fiammella mia, Paolo Masnelli
2. Vaneggio od è pur vero, Luca Marenzio
3. Dolorosi martir, Paolo Isnardi
4. Scorprirò l'ardor mio, Jean de Castro
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