Platti: Two Keyboard Concertos

Series: Classical Era  Publisher: A-R Editions
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Giovanni Benedetto Platti
Two Keyboard Concertos

Edited by Daniel E. Freeman

C037 Platti: Two Keyboard Concertos
978-0-89579-260-0 Full Score (1991) 9x12, xiv + 85 pp.
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Performance Parts (Available Separately)

Instrumental Part(s) (1991)
Set of 4 parts (vn. 1; vn. 2; va.; vc.)
These two works, drawn from the very little-known repertory of early keyboard concertos by Italian composers, were only recently discovered among the manuscripts of the Pretlack collection. Copied in 1743, they demonstrate the extent to which binary-form elements had permeated concerto composition even by this date. Platti's gift for phrase extension and chromatic coloring, which have been praised in connection with his keyboard sonatas of the same period, are very much in evidence in these works, both excellent examples of concerto in the galant style.
Concerto in F Major
Concerto in A Major