Pohlmann: The Compact Disc Handbook, 2nd ed.

Series: Computer Music and Digital Audio  Publisher: A-R Editions
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The Compact Disc Handbook, 2nd ed.

Ken C. Pohlmann

DAS005 Pohlmann: The Compact Disc Handbook, 2nd ed.
978-0-89579-300-3 Book (1992) 6 x 9, xvi + 339 pp.
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The compact disc is the most exciting audio invention since Edison's tinfoil cylinder recorder. To celebrate its tenth birthday, Ken Pohlmann has completely updated his popular guide to CD technology--with new sections on the optical and electronic principles underlying the CD format as well as the latest details on new CD player designs.

For audio and multimedia enthusiasts, CD owners, recording engineers, and manufacturers, The Compact Disc Handbook remains the most comprehensive reference book on this technology.
Introduction to the Compact Disc
Fundamentals of Digital Audio
The Compact Disc System
CD Player Design
Practical Concerns
Diverse Disc Formats
Disc Manufacturing