Buehner and Justice: A Music Librarian's Guide to Creating Videos and Podcasts

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A Music Librarian’s Guide to Creating Videos and Podcasts

Katie Buehner, Andrew Justice

TR036 Buehner and Justice: A Music Librarian's Guide to Creating Videos and Podcasts
978-0-89579-832-9 Book (2018) 7.5 x 9.25, vii + 84 pp.
Special Price $28.00 Regular Price $35.00
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A Music Librarian’s Guide to Creating Videos and Podcasts is a guide every music librarian will want to use to develop and enhance multi-media skills. The digital age has created a divide between music librarians and their patrons: traditional models of interaction have been superseded or replaced by electronic communication, and virtually all librarians have felt the ensuing decline of their users’ information-seeking skills. Music librarians can now be proactive in reaching out to patrons digitally with videos and podcasts, since editing technologies for both platforms have become inexpensive and easy to use. In A Music Librarian’s Guide to Creating Videos and Podcasts Katie Buehner and Andrew Justice give music librarians the step-by-step instructions for creating their own content in both Mac and PC platforms. This ready reference on videos should find home in every library and also many personal collections.
Part One: Online Video
  Chapter One: Introduction to Online Video
    Exploring the World of Online Video
    Being a Participating in the World of Online Video
    Evaluating Online Video Concepts
    Seven Tips for Making Great Online Videos
  Chapter Two: Video Production Hardware and Software
    Create a Studio
  Chapter Three: Production
    Types of Videos
    Screencast-Based Production
    Preparing Video for Online Delivery
  Chapter Four: Publishing Videos Online
    Analytics and Assessment
    Archiving Content
Part Two: Podcasts
  Chapter Five: Conceptualizing the Podcast
  Chapter Six: Audio Production Hardware and Software
  Chapter Seven: Podcast Creation
    Contract Creation and Editing
    Exporting and Dissemination
    Assessment and Archiving
  Chapter Eight: Permissions