Roth: Complete Motets from Florilegium Portense
Series: Baroque Era Publisher: A-R Editions
Complete Motets from Florilegium Portense
Edited by L. Frederick Jodry
B218 Roth: Complete Motets from Florilegium Portense
Full Score (2021)
9x12, xiii + 196 pp.
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Martin Roth was a student and later cantor at the Pforta school near Leipzig. His sixteen surviving motets are contained in the anthology Florilegium Portense, issued in two volumes in 1618 and 1621. Consisting largely of double-choir motets, this collection is a retrospective of late Renaissance style, intersecting with seventeenth-century usage in Lutheran churches. The collection consists of 165 pieces by about ninety composers and was used widely in schools and churches throughout central Germany. These motets were performed on a weekly basis as late as 1770 for services at the main churches in Leipzig; J. S. Bach purchased new copies in use at the St. Thomas School in 1729, mentioning that the old copies had been sung to pieces (zersungen). The fact that such late-Renaissance motets were performed in rotation for some 150 years in Leipzig lends depth to our understanding of baroque performance practice.
1. Allein zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ (a 8)
2. Benedicat te Deus Israel (a 8)
3. Congregati sunt inimici (a 8)
4. Dominus regnavit (a 8)
5. Der Herr wird dich segnen (a 8)
6. Ich hab’s gewagt (a 8)
7. In Domino Deo gaudebimus (a 8)
8. Lieblich und schön sein (a 7)
9. Non auferetur sceptrum (a 7)
10. Non est bonum (a 8)
11. Ponam inimicitias (a 8)
12. Populi omnes, jubilate (a 8)
13. Singet dem Herren (a 8)
14. Si quis diligit me (a 8)
15. Surge, propera (a 8)
16. Veni in hortum meum (a 8)
L. Frederick Jodry V holds the BM and MM from the New England Conservatory, with a focus on Organ and Early Music Performance. Since 1991 he has led the Brown University Chorus. For the past thirty years he has also led the Schola Cantorum of Boston, a chamber choir focused on Renaissance sacred music.
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