Shaw and Cleveland, eds.: Careers in Music Libraries IV

Series: Technical Reports  Publisher: A-R Editions, Music Library Association
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Careers in Music Libraries IV

Edited by Misti Shaw, Susannah Cleveland

TR039 Shaw and Cleveland, eds.: Careers in Music Libraries IV
978-0-89579-893-0 Book (2022) 7.5 x 9.25, x + 408 pp.
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Music librarianship offers meaningful and fulfilling work to people from varied backgrounds. As libraries adapt to everchanging economic, demographic, cultural, and technological landscapes, it is essential for music library workers to possess a keen understanding of what is needed to remain relevant and to thrive. Whether contemplating a new career in music libraries, expanding liaison responsibilities in music, seeking paths for professional development, or feeling eager to reinvigorate a music library career, readers can turn to this book to gain practical and approachable guidance to succeed.
In this substantially expanded edition of Careers in Music Librarianship III, experienced expert professionals have updated their pragmatic advice and insight from the previous edition to reflect the realities and challenges of today’s landscape. Since music library work takes place in both traditional and non-traditional settings, this edition incorporates advice on a wide range of topics not covered in earlier editions, including paraprofessional employment, liaison work, archives settings, and transitions from performance-based careers. Geared toward workers in music libraries, rather than simply to those who are, or aspire to be, librarians, this volume is intended to support people on an array of potential career paths. All who work in music libraries will find both inspiration and straightforward guidance in this indispensable book.
Exploring Work in Music Libraries
1. Music Library Environments and Positions Types
Misti Shaw
2. Building Bridges: Music Librarians as Library Liaisons
Lisa Woznicki
3. Music Technical Service Librarians and their Influence on the
Library Profession
Chuck Peters
4. Music Subject Specialists in Archives, Special Collections, and Museums
Melissa E. Wertheimer and Matthew Testa
5. Professional Associations and Societies for Music Librarians
Ruthann B. McTyre
Preparing for Work in Music Libraries
6. Training and Education of Music Librarians
Maristella Feustle
7. Pre-Professional and Co-Curricular Music Library Experiences
Mallory Sajewski
8. First-Time Attendee: How to Get the Most Out of Being a Student at a
Music Library Association Meeting
Taylor Greene and Zoua Sylvia Yang
9. Don’t Give Up Your Night Job: Active Musical Performance and
Transferable Skills for Music Librarianship
Maristella Feustle, Stephanie Lewin-Lane, and Rick McRae
Navigating the Job Search
10. Breaking into Music Librarianship
Joe C. Clark
11. Job Seekers in Early Career Land: Perspectives from Recent Graduates
and Emerging Professionals
Lindy Smith and Treshani Perera
12. First and Lasting Impressions: Applying and Interviewing for Music
Library Jobs
Susannah Cleveland
13. Behind the Closed Door: Search Committees and the Hiring Process
Kristi Bergland and Laura Gayle Green
Getting Started in the Profession
14. You Landed the Job! Now What?
Grace Haynes and Laura Thompson
15. Mentor, Mentee: Creating and Sustaining Mutually Beneficial Mentorships
Christine Edwards
Career Decisions
16. The Glue that Binds the Library: The Roles of Paraprofessionals in
Music Libraries
Erin Chiparo
17. Faculty Status, Tenure, and Promotion for the Music Librarian
Jennifer Ottervik
18. Career Flexibility: Moving between Position and Institution Types
Amy Pawlowski and Debbie Herman
19. Upwardly Mobile: Music Librarians Leave the Nest
Ned Quist
Opportunities for Growth
20. Diversity in Music Libraries: A Look at the Recruitment and Support
of Librarians from Underrepresented Communities
Rachel Castro
21. Rocking the Boat: Leading and Managing Change in the Music Library
Stephanie Bonjack
22. Staying Current
Holling Smith-Borne
23. Selected Resources
Lisa Shiota