Songs and Arias Ornamented by Velluti
Series: 19th and Early 20th Centuries Publisher: A-R Editions
Songs and Arias Ornamented by Giovanni Battista Velluti, the Last Operatic Castrato
Edited by Robert Crowe
N080 Songs and Arias Ornamented by Velluti
Keyboard-Vocal Score (2020)
9x12, xxxiv + 234 pp.
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This edition consists of twenty-nine songs and arias from the early nineteenth-century solo vocal music repertoire to which Giovanni Battista (Giambattista) Velluti (1780–1861) composed (and frequently, though not always, published) ornamentation. The last great operatic castrato, Velluti, over the course of his career, became increasingly well known not only for his singing, but also for his creative, adventuresome ornaments. His publications of ornamented songs and arias were frequent throughout the last decade of his career, when his singing style became less purely virtuosic and more concerned with affect. The edition includes only ornamented solo songs and arias with a secure attribution to Velluti. Those with doubtful or spurious attribution are excluded, as are Velluti’s ornamented duets and trios, as well as arias in full orchestral score.
Songs and Arias Ornamented by Giovanni Battista Velluti
1. Otto variazioni sul tema “Nel cor più non mi sento,” Giovanni Battista Velluti
2. Or che la notte placida, Velluti
3. Quel tuo girar del ciglio, Velluti
4. L’amor timido, John Fane, Lord Burghersh
5. Placido zeffiretto, Burghersh
6. Compagni, amici, addio—Deh non soffrir, Burghersh
7. Amor soave, Burghersh
8. Gentil usignolo, Burghersh
9. Cara, nel dir che t’amo, Pietro Ceracchini
10. Ah! che per me non v’è, Johann Simon Mayr
11. Soave immagine, Saverio Mercadante
12. Notte tremenda—Caro suono lusinghier, Francesco Morlacchi
13. Ecco, o numi—Ah! quando cesserà, Giuseppe Nicolini?
14. Nere funeste immagini, Nicolini
15. Dite al mio bene, Nicolini
16. Or che la luna, Nicolini
17. Or che l’indissolubile, Nicolini
18. I fieri palpiti, Giovanni Pacini
19. Dolce de’ bardi il canto, Stefano Pavesi
20. La tua diletta immagine, ?Pavesi
21. Il canto, Giovanni Battista Perucchini
22. Der Tag ist verschwunden, Perucchini
23. T’abbraccio, ti stringo, Gioachino Rossini
24. Api erranti, Nicola Vaccaj
25. Come potrei mai vivere, Joseph Weigl
Appendix 1: Two Versions of a Song by Thomas Welsh, Ornamented by Velluti
1. A can ai think of deis gone bai (Velluti’s Working Manuscript)
2. Ah, can I think of days gone by (Cramer, Addison & Beale Print)
Appendix 2: Two Ariette by Giovanni Battista Perucchini with Ornamentation Possibly by Velluti
1. La rimembranza
2. Il desiderio