The Conductus Collections of MS  Wolfenbüttel 1099, Part 3

Series: Middle Ages and Early Renaissance  Publisher: A-R Editions
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The Conductus Collections of MS  Wolfenbüttel 1099, Part 3

Edited by Ethel Thurston

M013 The Conductus Collections of MS  Wolfenbüttel 1099, Part 3
978-0-89579-129-0 Full Score (1980) 3, 109 pp.
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The polyphonic conductus appeared in northern France in the late twelfth century and continued to flourish until the mid-thirteenth century as one of four main polyphonic genres of the time. The manuscript Wolfenbüttel 1099 (W2) is a significant source for these works. This edition includes modern transcriptions of the thirty conductus in the W2 fascicles, as well as ten contrafacta and ten alternate readings. All known manuscript versions of this important twelfth- and early-thirteenth-century repertory were consulted in the preparation of this edition.
Austro terris influente
Minor natu filius
Sursum corda elevate
Quod promisit ab eterno
Crucifigat omnes
Pater noster qui es in celis
Ave Maria, gratia plena
Transgressus legem domini
Fraude ceca desolato
Helysei manubrio
Ave gloriosa mater salvatoris
Verbum bonum et suave
Si Deus est animus
Notum fecit dominus
Rege mentem, et ordina
Regnum Dei vim patitur
Omni pene curie
Beata viscera Marie virginis
Entendez tuit ensemble
De la sainte Leocade
David Hiley, Music and Letters, January 1984; Roger Wibberley, Early Music, July 1983