The Wanley Manuscripts, Part 3
Series: Renaissance Publisher: A-R Editions
This volume is part of the set The Wanley Manuscripts
The Wanley Manuscripts, Part 3
Book III
Edited by James Wrightson
R101 The Wanley Manuscripts, Part 3
Full Score (1995)
8.5x11, 249 pp.
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Paper Offprint
This large collection of four- and five-part English sacred music (Oxford, Bodleian Library, MSS Mus. Sch. e. 420–22) was probably compiled for use by an accomplished London parish choir during the earliest years of the reformed vernacular liturgy, ca. 1548–52. Although the set lacks a tenor partbook, Wanley is easily the most valuable of the few sources surviving from this momentous period. Its contents exemplify a wide range of musical styles and forms, from English arrangements of florid Latin masses to simple chordal "antems," including pieces by Tallis, Tye, and Shepard. The edition includes a complete transcription of the manuscript's contents with missing voice parts editorially reconstructed.
65. Communion [Service 6] (Kyrie; Glory Be to God on High; I Believe in One God; Sanctus; Agnus Dei)
66. Antem: "O Lord of Hosts"
67. After the Communion Received: "O Almighty God, the Father"
68. Antem: "Praise the Lord, O Ye Servants"
69. Antem: "O God, in Whose Hands"
70. Venite
71. Te Deum
72. Benedictus
73. The Procession [Litany Responses]
74. Pater Noster
75. I Have Not My Hope
76. Communion [Service 7] (Kyrie; Glory Be to God on High; I Believe in One God; Offertory [Sentence]: "Lay Not Up for Yourselves"; Sanctus; Agnus Dei; Postcommunion [Sentence]: "If Any Man Will Follow Me")
77. Magnificat, William Whitbroke
78. Christus resurgens
79. For Ash Wednesday: "Turn Thou Us, Good Lord"
80. Magnificat, William Whitbroke
81. Nunc Dimittis
82. Antem: "Walk While Ye Have Light"
83. Offertory [Sentence]: "Do Ye Not Know"
84. Postcommunion [Sentence]: "If Any Man Will Follow Me"
85. Antem: "If a Man Say I Love God"
86. [Communion Service 8] (Kyrie; Gloria; Credo; Sanctus; Agnus Dei)
87. [Communion Service 9] (Gloria; Credo; Sanctus; Agnus Dei), [John Taverner]
88. [Communion Service 10] (Gloria; Credo; Sanctus; Agnus Dei), [John Taverner]
89. Venite
90. [Responses to the Ten Commandments]
Appendixes 1–4
2a. [Communion Service 1] (Responses to the Ten Commandments; Gloria; Credo; Sanctus), [John] Heath
55a. Pater Noster
80a. Magnificat, William Whitbroke
Litany from An exhortation unto prayer . . . Also a Letanie with Suffrages (1544)
Daniel Page, Notes, December 1996