Tye: The Latin Church Music, Part 2

Series: Renaissance  Publisher: A-R Editions
This volume is part of the set Tye: Latin Church Music
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Christopher Tye
The Latin Church Music, Part 2
The Shorter Latin Works

Edited by John Satterfield

R014 Tye: The Latin Church Music, Part 2
978-0-89579-042-2 Full Score (1972) 8.5x11, 106 pp.
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Christopher Tye's Latin church music, which is on the artistic level of his celebrated English anthems, is presented complete in this edition.
Ad te clamamus exsules (a 5)
Alleluia (a 4)
Ave caput Christi (a 3)
Domine Deus caelestis (a 3)
Gloria, laus et honor (a 4)
In pace (a 4)
In quo corrigit (a 3)
Kyrie (a 4)
Miserere mei, Deus (a 5)
Omnes gentes, plaudite (a 5)
Peccavimus cum patribus (a 7)
Quia fecit (a 4)
Sub tuam protectionem (a 4)
Unde nostris, eia, fave votis (a 4)